transforms judgment into LOVE.
Peace be with you.
Brother Paul OFS FSDM
I have come in the name of God to proclaim God’s words, words of knowledge and truth and wisdom from on high. I am a prophet sent to this world to prepare the world for the Second Coming and for the salvation of souls. To save souls for all eternity. To bring souls to their heavenly homeland, to their God, their Creator and Maker. I am man, yet I have been infused with knowledge and wisdom from My Father above. It is not I, Brother Paul, that speaks, but it is the voice of God. I have come to do the will of the Creator and Author of All Life. Let it be done unto me as the Father in heaven above ordains. (BP.MH01262021)

The Word of God Living and Active
The Amazing Chaplet
How many times did Jesus teach us a prayer? He taught us the Our Father, right? Everyone seems to be aware that Jesus taught us that prayer. But few people realize that Jesus taught us the Chaplet of Divine Mercy as well. He taught it to us through Saint Faustina. He told her to pray this prayer and that anything we ask for, it it is consistent with the will of His Father, will be granted. That, in itself, makes it a very powerful prayer and the fact that it is only the second time Jesus taught us a prayer is also significant. More importantly, Jesus promises that if we pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy only one time for the benefit of a dying person, no matter how great a sinner that person is, He will intercede between His Heavenly Father and the dying person, not as a just Judge, but as a loving Savior. We understand that to mean that even if we find someone who is completely separated from God, by sin or their own beliefs or whatever, if we pray this prayer even one time in an earnest way, Jesus will allow that peron to be saved. That's quite an amazing promise! The basis of my ministry throughout the world is to promote the praying of the Chaplet of Divine Mercy to obtain Divine Mercy for everyone. God enlists us to be part of the redemption of each other. By praying the Chaplet, as Jesus said even only one time, we have an amazing opportunity to redeem someone. And so, there shouldn't be a day that goes by that we do not pray a Chaplet, even if we don't know who we're praying for. We need to be committed to praying this prayer. Jesus encourages us to pray it during the Hour of Mercy which is from 3 to 4pm, the hour acknowledged as the hour Jesus died on the cross. May God give us the grace to pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy every day on behalf on those who really need our help. God bless you.

Pray, my dear ones, pray. Let every breath be a prayer. BVM (MH08092017)

LORD, make me an instrument of your peace:
where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy.
O DIVINE MASTER, grant that I may not
so much seek to be consoled as to console,
to be understood as to understand,
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive,
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.
We can't forget that every person is sacred and precious to God...and they need to be precious to us. BP (Z01012021)
Rejoicing in Christ's Love

Chidinma N.
I had three recurrent early miscarriages and was diagnosed with uterine fibroids and polycystic ovarian syndrome...Multiple fertility treatments [had failed]...I was blessed by Brother Paul on June 21, 2019...On July 20, I found out that I was pregnant without any medical intervention. For the first time, we heard a heartbeat at eight weeks...On March 20, 2020--[exactly] nine months after [Brother Paul's blessing]--I delivered a healthy baby boy.

Jane W.
My mom attended [Brother Paul's] healing service in Pittsburgh almost a year ago. She had been given two to four months to live after a week in the ICU and a shocking stage four cancer diagnosis. The healing service was her first outing after being released from the hospital two days earlier. Almost a year later, she is in remission and back to doing everything she loves (hiking, yoga, lifting, baking, dancing, knitting, the list goes on and on)...Thank you for giving us hope and faith.